Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Something is UP in the World of PC Pricing

Each year in the Fall I update my list of what Money Can Buy, which simply put is how much does a well configured PC cost. Consistently over the years the cost has ranged between $3000.00 to $3500.00 dollars for a high end PC. Lately however after reading a number of reviews on the latest desktop computers the cost quite often ranges between $4000.00 to $4500.00 dollars.

I’m not entirely sure of what’s going on but it would appear there is a greater demand for high end gaming and power user configurations. So where only a few years ago 512MB of ram, 100GB hard drive, 128MB Video Cards, 17/19” CRT monitors and 3GHz processors were king of the hill, now you can buy a system with 2GB of ram, 360GB of hard drives (sometimes in a Raid array), 256MB multiprocessor video cards, 19” LCD displays and 64 bit processors plus any number of extras which drive up the price even more if you have the money.

So what does all this mean, about the same as it always has, in about 2 years your brand new top of the line system will be a mid-range $1500.00 dollar system and in 4 years it will be a dinosaur. The big question is, if you by it today will it run Windows Vista when it is released late in 2006?

Remember it’s your money and you only get to spend it once, so spend it wisely!

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