Friday, March 03, 2006

The 4th D

DP World, I been sitting back and watching the flap over DP World managing several U.S. ports. In addition to that DP just announced this little gem:
This should heat things up even more.

But then again almost everything we buy is made outside of the United States. Just the other day I went shopping and after I came back home the though occurred to me to look and see where each item was made. Yes they had names of U.S. based companies but none of the products were made in the U.S. An energy saving lamp being sponsored by and sold at less than normal prices by the former Governor Cody of New Jersey was made in China. The Energizer ‘bunny’ batteries were made in Japan. A Fruit of the Loom sweat shirt was made in Honduras. A Jerzees brand T-shirt made in Honduras. Another brand of T-shirt was made in Nicaragua. The Master Lock for my shed was assembled in Mexico.

So with these and a whole host of other products made everywhere but in the U.S.A., doesn’t make sense to have foreign company such as Dubai run the ports that import all these foreign made goods or does it?